We are happy and proud to finally announce that we have signed Ana Argan List (Sweden) and will release their self-titled EP in November 1st, 2020.

Pre-orders are available at https://groundmediagroup.bandcamp.com/album/ana-argan-list

Ana Argan List was formed early 2020 as a solo project by Edvin Johansson(before known as a founder of the black metal band Orngòth ).

Album art has made by talented Sissela Lewitzki.

The music is really emotional, atmospheric and aggressive, but same time Ana Argan List combines powerful chants with melancholic and wistful melodies to create epic atmospheric soundscapes of the northern landscapes.

”The project wasn’t intentional. It started from the anxiety and depression. I try to stay away from mundane city life when I want to create. I look for inspiration in nature, like forest walks. There I can self reflect and get inspired, especially if it’s raining. Ana Argan List is a swedish proverb, that translates roughly ”Creeping suspicion” which I thought was perfect for the feeling I’m trying to portray. ”,comments Edvin, the creator of Ana Argan List”

When I heard these tracks in the first place I was sold rightaway.The title track tells everything. It’s full of emotion! The distant raw vocals, huge chants and the atmosphere reminds me about legendary ”Summoning”but doing it totally own way. The tracks are epic and gives you a shiver.”Siarens Misstag” doesn’t have any vocals, but it paints you nordic landscapes and huge emotions.Just pure perfection and I’m really happy and proud about that we signed a contractwith the Ana Argan List and make this pure art to see the daylight!”

comments Samuli, founder of Ground Media Group.


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